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$tacks Up
Northern CA
Free tax services for
rural communities
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program provides Free Tax Preparation Services for rural communities. The Community Connect eBus program partners with local and regional non-profit organizations, local banks, colleges, and businesses to reach rural communities. In addition to VITA tax preparation assistance, we offer a Money Matters Financial Literacy Series with topics on credit counseling, budgeting, filing out employment documents and calculating withholdings, homebuyer education, assistance in opening bank accounts, and foreclosure prevention workshops.
How It Works
Creating an easily accessible program has always been a core value. TCCF eBus brings free tax preparation services and financial literacy education directly to neighborhoods and communities that qualify as low-to-moderate-income or have hard-to-reach rural populations.
Who qualifies?
With $tacks Up, anyone who makes below 64k a year can sign up for free tax preparation services.
What do I qualify for?
Most clients with income below 30k a year qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Young Child Tax Credit, and other common credits.
When are services available?
Our volunteers work with clients each year from February to June to help them navigate the process and file for all the taxes and returns available to them.
Clients supported
in completing
their returns
$146K +
Money saved and put back into the pockets
of Clients
Our Impact
Community Partners
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax preparation services for low-income taxpayers. We ensure a transparent process and provide educational materials to help our clients confidently prepare for future tax seasons. We could not achieve this mission without the invaluable support and assistance of our community partners, including:
United Way
Pathway Resource Center, Inc.​​
IMPACT Community Agency​
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance​
Neighbors Helping Neighbors​
Homeward Bound Homeless Shelter​
Goodwill Industries
Boys and Girls Club
MLK Community Center
Housing Resources, Inc.
Community Action Agency
Broadview Learning Center​
ClearPoint Credit Counseling
Stand Down
Stand Down Apprisen
Hispanic America Council
Eversharp Veteran’s Inc.
Urban League
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